The Kickstarter campaign is over, but there were a few other testimonials I wanted to put out there…
From, a group based in Washington, DC, and Ankara, with the ambitious goal of branding Turkey…
“As an online community dedicated to supporting and sharing Turkish experience we feel Matt`s walk across Anatolia will reflect all dimensions of Turkish experience both familiar and novel. That why we support him.”
When they told me about their goal of branding Turkey, the phrase that kept coming to my mind was “herding cats.” It’s a great goal to set though, and I can’t wait to see how it pans out.
There’s this one other testimonial I wanted to show you, from Robert Lindsay, a friend of mine from high school at Mt. Whitney in Visalia, California (he now lives elsewhere)…
“It is refreshing to see someone reveling in the diversity that this hunk of rock has to offer. So many people close their minds to other ideas, cultures, and people, out of fear, insecurity, or stupidity. Which is spectacularly exhibited by the avalanche of campaign propaganda we are all being subjected to right now.
“Don’t get me wrong, it is great for people to have conviction in what they believe, but to label anyone with a different or contrary belief or conviction as wrong or bad and to act toward these contrarians violently is abhorrent.
“I’m not tying to get all “One Love” on you here, I am simply trying to state that there is a wonderfully dynamic diverse world that we live in and I applaud you and your celebration of it. I just wish more people would open their eyes and their minds.”
Robert refers to it as a rant, but when I read it, I thought, “Yeah, you say it brother, go go go!” Robert also referred to the walk as “kung fu-like,” in the walk-through-the-world sort of way. I loved reading his kung fu rant. 😉