I photographed this page in early October, when I was uploading scans of my journals in case anything happened to the actual notebooks. It was completely accidental, but I love the lighting on this page, and the way the pen’s clip is reflecting light. The...
Fırat works at Starbucks in Seattle with my good friend Tim Waters. Happy birthday Fırat! By the way Fırat, two weeks ago today I reached the river that bears your name (Fırat Nehir = Euphrates River). Another "by the way" — this is a photo of the...
I’ll be attending the Istanbul Toastmasters meeting the evening of Wednesday, 20 February. If you are in Istanbul on Wednesday evening, come to the meeting. You don’t have to be a member of the club. The meetings start promptly at 7:30pm. I dropped in on...
I’ll be in Istanbul next week. I am planning to arrive in Istanbul sometime on Sunday, 17 February, and leave for Urfa sometime around Saturday, 23 February, to bang out the final 1/3 of the walk. If you are in Istanbul next week and are free to meet up, give me...
Gadling, an AOL travel website, covers the walk. The Outside article appeared in September, shortly after the walk started. Gadling decided to wait and see what happened. When I hit the 68% mark, they decided they could pull the trigger. I like those little “OK,...