The iPhone is my workhorse

The other day one of this blog’s regular readers asked me to address some geek questions about what equipment I use on the road. The iPhone 3GS, with a Turkcell SIM card, is my workhorse. There’s a laptop in my pack, but it only comes out once a week. My...

Today’s breakfast

I eat some junk on the road, sure. But I make sure I eat at least 1.5 good meals a day. Wednesday I had two, yesterday I had one. So today I’ll make sure I get two. Here’s the first of today’s two.

Between Dinar and Isparta

I took this the other day near the village of Kaplanli. The terrain is changing again, already. Hillier, more trees.

Last night in Kaplanli

Last night I ended up staying in that village I mentioned I was in, Kaplanli. I camped out in the mosque garden. Kaplanli is a village of about 250 people. It’s not even big enough to support a bakkal (corner market), so there isn’t a place within 5 miles...